I've been really blessed lately to be surrounded by kind friends, an adorable bf and opportunities that I am so grateful for. as this year will be a guaranteed whirlwind, I am enjoying the calm right now. Friday night I went clubbing with my roommate and a good friend from law school. We met up with my bff from law school and her boy and then I saw another good friend from college that I have been very lucky to be seeing like every other week. I appreciate being able to have all the people from different times in my life and beautiful people at that -- coming together and enjoying each others company. It makes me feel whole and I hope that it gives all my friends a better understanding of me. I love gatherings of people, introducing strangers and seeing people hit it off. After a night of dancing at the infamous Opera, Tinman and I stayed up and talked girls, dating, love and gossip. On Saturday- I get an early wakeup call for brunch at Daikokuya...only the best ramen in downtown ever!! Coupled with some japanese kirin milk tea. sigh-- life is so grand. Bear picked me up and we got to spend a quiet evening together where we attempted to cook and it came out "ok." We dashed off to Couples Retreat which was really cute in a cheesy coupley kinda a way. we then met up with le parfait amour and her panda and his college friends for some drinks at the Balcony. Sunday, Bear made this super yummie breakfast sandwich and then we fell back asleep not intending to. We woke up pretty out of sync so we went for a long run with Emi. Came back and explored Bear's parents jacuzzi-- party lights in the jacuzzi??!! what??!! attempt two at dinner but this time it came out so good! we had sea scallops in a ginger sauce, grilled ny steak, corn and of course rice. i was so embarrassed when his brother complimented my scallops lol. I then finally got to watch the truman show which i loved in a heart wrenching kind of way. we scrabbled til 1 am and then i read him to bed. <3 complete. tonight, after a day of work, i got serenaded on the piano via phone...melt. with the rain pouring outside here in LA, i gathered up my mentees and some friends and their mentees and went to O Dae Sae where we had TEN DOLLARS all you can eat kbbq. It was so much fun, again getting to see everyone meet everyone else and have good fun and good conversation over some delicious food. the night was a success!! the question now is..where to next?? maybe all you can eat sushi??
the week is looking great-- dineLA dinner date tomorrow at Tengu in Westwood with Bear + a much missed mid week visit. Kaskade on Friday with bff and then PILF auction casino night on Saturday :) Pictures surely to come!!
I am lucky. I am grateful. I am blessed. I am happy.
I. cant. move. I. ate. more. than. 6. boys.

need. to. animal. fat. detox.
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