summer is wrapping up and its pretty bittersweet. tomorrow will be my last day at work since I start school monday. As much as I am so ready for school and enjoying the long stretches of time to study and not study, this summer, not just simply summer, will be missed and much thought about.
work was an amazing opportunity that provided much of the meat that school just cant supplant. i opened myself to a new area of law and definitely fell in love with it. employment law provided me the drama of torts with the public interest aspect that I really need to vest myself in the work I would do on the behalf of those seeking legal help. i had amazing supervising attorneys who helped me realize my weaknesses and turn them into potential. i got to draft and write an extensive amount which allowed me to really have what i study gelled to real world application. i am thankful to have had fun ass coworkers, amazing mentors in the attorneys I worked for and the opportunity to affirm that my studies will pay off in the long run.
i promised myself that this summer would signal a time of saying yes to almost everything i ever wondered, wanted or desired. not in a reckless way...but in that discover the wonder in order to make it the known kinda way.
to trust and believe in the friendships and the love around me without question or doubt or sacrifice. but to accept that life is beautiful and when you let it in...it consumes you... to stop the planning and worrying and just be. to find that the things worth having, are the things worth waiting for. hands steady with your heart ready.
learning that there's so much to learn. so much new that awaits with so much to still have, live and consume and still with the energy and passion to pursue it.
i am lucky.
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