I have a hankering to go thrifting soon. So tired of regular shopping (although I've definitely have cut down from that too). Will have to round up some girls for a trip around town for some fab finds soon.

Adorn: thrifted vintage blazer, red strapless top, highwaisted stovepipe pants from Japan and a gold/black leather calvin klein belt
I have this damn pinched nerve in my neck. TG tried to rub it out but I think it just gets bad tenfold when I'm at my awkward ass desk and chair and theyre not level with each other. blah.
Mid-summer...the countdown begins. I.cannot.wait.for.school.to.start. I had dinner with JP tonight because I was super craving some good carne asada drizzled with lime and some good chips. I headed to culver city after work and lucky me, or rather typical of la...there has to be a accident right where the ten and 405 meet. Well I work off the 405 and I need to get on the ten. hmm. an hour of my life spent hot, and listening to radio hits that I've already heard in my hour commute from the morning. JP and his update of girls, life and being so successful at law school and work. While I cant wait for school to start because well I go on coast mode-- JP is loving work bc well, he doesnt ever coast during school. hmmm and yet I have not learned a thing or two from him. love our catchups. grounded and aspiring at the same time.
my tiredness hit me like a two ton brick at 2-3 pm today. waiting for tg, nap at 10 pm is not a nap-- it just confused my body. and being petted is so intoxicating. then i decide its a smart idea to want animal style fries at midnight. throw in a vanilla shake. oh and deciding that I must find my harry potter dvd so we can get tg to brush up on his HP-ness--yea pretty sure why I enlisted the use of caffeine at 3 pm just as the day was suppose to wind down.
i wonder why they havent figured a way to make steering wheels less hot on sunny days. i mean they freaking can invent anything but not that???
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! next weeeeeeeeekkkkk!!!!
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