C E R A S O L I g a l l e r y presents
JOHN GRANDE 'Glamour and Gloom'
FRANZISKA - KLOTZ 'Nowhere Right Here'
NICK POTTER 'Society of Spectacle'
April 18 – May 13, 2009
Opening Reception: Saturday April 18, 6 - 9pm
C E R A S O L I gallery 8530- b Washington Blvd. Culver City,CA 90232
Tue- Sat 11am - 6pm / Tel. 310 954 5974 / info@cerasoligallery.com
Stella Im Hultberg
Without You by Yoshiki
Alone time
Law Finals: business association, criminal procedure,
ethical lawyering and white collar crime
deep breaths before reactions
good luck, love. you can do it!!