In hindsight, of course. But really, its probably a bad idea at that time too. We are a nation that is fine with the idea of debt and credit-- its simply a way of life and a means to achieve so much. I mean, when's the last time you didn't budget your credit limits on your cards into the amount of disposable money you had? Usually, its paycheck= rent, food, necessities and then credit card= clothes, more food, entertainment, fun. And people just pay the minimum after they realize its not so bad of a tradeoff--paying the interest rate but being able to live like you make more than you really do. People just aren't ok with being poor and looking like it. And thats the thing with Americans, its all a show-- whether its foreign policy, domestic policy and right down to standard of living for the average joe. And its a shame that debt has become the name of the game-- limited money just moved around as a front. It's become such a norm but its really not. I was raised to never owe anyone anything-- a friend or a bank and so being in debt creates an really ugly feeling-- I have my cc's and my loans but its not something I've just accepted. I always remind myself that I'm not rich, I'm just LOAN rich. So should other people.
Moreover, I'm really tired of hearing this argument that other countries aren't going to just pull its markers when they're seeing how shitty we've become in such a short time...I can't imagine them not growing anxious. Again, the America is in denial over so much...this free fall will end and it's not going to spit us out onto a sea of we should be prepared before we hit rock bottom.
Another tidbit- LA is gonna spend 3.7 million dollars to remove the mta tag piece. 3.7 million. isnt that a little, if not ALOT, uncalled for?

Went shopping today at Forever 21 in Alhambra. It's probably my fav 21 because they sell the samples-- everything is 7 bucks and below on the sale racks but theyre basically the same things you'll be buying in stores. You do have to rummage but I got the cutest black cigarette pants ($7), a funky multi-tiered dress $7), a grey wrap dress ($7), thigh high leg warmers $2.99), a light brown deep vneck shirt ($4.50) and a print tank ($2). 6 items for $33. While you're not getting what you would usually get, you're definitely pushing your wardrobe because of the prices and that's always AWESOME. I love that. I'm definitely riskier bc something is cheap. Pictures to come soon. 2 E Main Street, Alhambra, CA 91801,(626) 458-4421. (the Susanna C's review is a great review of this place:
So that's to my rant of the economy, American debt, American spending and my personal bargains.
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