as many of my friends know... I'm addicted to jeans. Maybe its the curse of a skinny girl who can never find 23's...ok I know that that statement alone just made many of you take me off your list BUT in my defense...I've been trying to gain weight for 2 years now and its very hard. All my friends will call me a bitch to my face at the mention of my weight but keep an open mind that while I am grateful I have a high metabolism, I have dropped 15 lbs in 2 years and am begging for a way to get back in the triple digits. ok enough about this. soooooooooo in my addiction to jeans and my struggle with my weight-- I can only fit in one brand of jeans. I have pairs of sevens, r&rs, ag's and diesels stuffed in the back of my closet because I dont fit them anymore. So without FRANKIE B's, I would be relegated to wearing kid jeans or some other type of loin cloth which I am not accustomed to. I have a liggght faded pair, a pair that is about to bust at the butt, and a pair that I think is giving b the impression that I own no other type of crotch covering... So, I gave in out of necessity- (I promise) and got these. Eagerly awaiting their arrival--since I lack the patience for the thought of their dumb expensive teeniness.
Frankie B Women's "Fidelity" Heart Pocket Bootcut Jeans in Cat Wash

He's Just Not That In To You:::Lights, Camera.........umm....... No ActionI had high hopes for this movie since I and my girls have had their fair share of heart breaks and guys who never right out could be a man and say they're not into me and instead told all of us "you can be so intimidating because...insert bs reason here that tried to feign a compliment towards our career, looks, smarts etc etc"
. But this movie didn't leave me with the feeling that I could do without men (b would term this as a "hater movie") or a "feel good, girl/boy, that's how life is" movie either. So in the middle is something that just left a bad taste in my mouth. meh. Jennifer Aniston and Connelly are two beautiful actresses but the movie was not shot well at all and they looked terribly old. Is that mean for me to say? No, I dont think they're old at all-- it was just something about how the movie was shot. It erked me and my friend. I didn't leave getting a lesson from the movie, I left without 11 bucks. Could have passed on it but it seemed perfect after a day of shopping and girl talk. oh yea and I HATE all the characters Scarlett Johansson plays. Eugh. She can just loan me her boobs.
I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.
Let's make some music, make some money, find some models for wives.
I'll move to Paris, shoot some heroin, and fuck with the stars.
You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars.
This is our decision, to live fast and die young.
We've got the vision, now let's have some fun.
Yeah, it's overwhelming, but what else can we do.
Get jobs in offices, and wake up for the morning commute.
Forget about our mothers and our friends
We're fated to pretend
To pretend
We're fated to pretend
To pretend
I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms
I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world
I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home
Yeah, I'll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone.
There's really nothing, nothing we can do
Love must be forgotten, life can always start up anew.
The models will have children, we'll get a divorce
We'll find some more models, everything must run it's course.
We'll choke on our vomit and that will be the end
We were fated to pretend
To pretend
We're fated to pretend
To pretend
Yeah, yeah, yeah