its amazing how many times I tell people I am in law school and they look at me with admiring eyes and ask how I like be met with a shrug or a "i dont like really, I dont." Yes yes its not all bad and I still remember telling my mom at the tender age of 7, I want to be a lawyer so I can become president of the united states one day. Becoming an attorney isnt all bad since waves of aspiring lawyers foot the ginormous bill each year to enroll...which only follows after years of decent work in undergraduate studies, ardous hours of studying for the LSAT and coma-inducing application process...and oh yes, waiting for all those little envelopes...until the big one arrives and the hysteria ensued for a good 3 days.
Hearing all the advice good and bad in the years leading up to this point...I have a few things I would have liked to know were true...knowing what I know now (to each their own though).
1) if you love writing...rather if you love your writing school will change that. to me, unless you are on law writing is very formulaic. if you get creative, it will fundamentally distract from the substance of your analysis which is really what your training is ALL about. You can get more creative if you go into Constitutional Law or Civil Rights.
2) you should probably take a break from undergraduate before heading to law school. well if you're me -- and didnt take everyone's advice on having the time of your life in undergraduate and actually worked aka write a thesis, get the best grades (entirely unnecessary) and get involved...then you should take a break. I graduated and realized I had the best of my youth pass me by and headed into the hardest thing in my life thus far... without any money saved up. I would say working for two years would have been awesome just to have fun, travel, get myself down from all the laurels of graduating and work to save money, even if its just fun money for your first year in law school. 1L was hard enough without having to think whether I could afford to spend money on whatever little free time I had.
3) really really know why you want to be a lawyer. and that takes a ton of research. working at a law firm not in the capacity of a law clerk or lawyer is not the same. i loved by legal assistant job. it seems so simple and easy and i just saw all these settlements come in, i just would talk to clients and do my tasks that were carefully laid out for me. but in the capacity of something more law related and involved...there is never a completed task and never something you couldnt work more on or knowing everything you need to do and remembering to do it all when it should be done. its a harrowing feeling to say the least. and your realize how much of that settlement money is meant for the client but at the same time, legal costs and attorney fees are significantly important given the time and work every little thing involves.
4) know yourself at all times. law school is not like cant "find yourself" there, its much more conducive to losing yourself and upsetting the way you have led your life and schedule and framed yourself in your mind. you must know yourself, your weaknesses, strengths, vulnerabilities and habits at all times. falling too much in any of these will cost you time, grades and friends. but above all else, probably your sanity. and along with that, dont lose sight or heart of why you started this journey. whether its money, good will or pure passion and interest... just know it at all times.
5) time. time is your most valuable possession in law school or as an attorney. you will realize who and what is worth the sacrifice.
6) what you want is always directly proportional to what you must sacrifice. my contracts prof in my first year said something that really stuck.."you can have anything you want in the world, you just must know what you are willing to give up to get it." always a trade off. always.
I started out really wanting to do civil rights and constitutional law and to become a critical race studies professor. But after spending a summer at a high impact litigation con law firm and 1L year struggling to get decent grades...those dreams are lofty until I establish myself better. And law school teaches you that... that unlike just wanting something in undergrad, in law school you realize the steps necessary to execute each step of the way. and the hard work required to get you there. kinda like point number 6..all the time, always.
now I would love to do product liability especially pharmaceutical liability. A mix of that is because I'm good at it, torts somehow came easily for me when nothing else did ...and just feeling the ethical draw of being able to see the dilemma of putting on the market drugs that are important, significant and life saving in lieu of the "best" trials or when the millionth test proves x drug is safe.
this summer, I am at a small employment law firm and I love my work (because its alot of torts). so much drama in our cases and our clients are really down to earth people for the most part who are stuck between a rock and a hard place. their damages are utterly real and even their emotions are so easily relatable. today, my boss said "i like this case. lets take it." "advanced costs boss?" "of course." and I was sold all over again on my work. loving it enough to commute 40 mins there and an hour back every day.
v. Dream Job... a professor of sociology or women's studies. or manage my own boutique hotel.
entirely and fundamentally different but not mutually exclusive.
********to be continued...bc of work at 9 am...le sigh*************

zodiac. josh peters.